Edinburgh Gadda Prize – Press Office

- Gadda Giovani 2013
- La campionessa di Pantaneto vince il Gadda Giovani
La Nazione, 21 May 2013, p. 18
Il Premio Gadda a due giovani studenti cassinati
CiociariaOggi, 8 May 2013, p. 1
Gadda Giovani parla ciociaro
CiociariaOggi, 8 May 2013, p. 40
Premio Gadda. Tra le eccellenze tre alunni del Varrone
L’inchiesta, 7 May 2013, p. 4
Premio Gadda. Oggi i sette vincitori
Il Messaggero Frosinone, 5 May 2013, p. 1
Il Premio Gadda – in Abbazia e in città
La Provincia Frosinone, 5 May 2013, p. 5
Al Gadda Giovani Fabrizio Gifuni
Il Corriere della Sera, 4 May 2013, p. 17
Premio Gadda, Cassino protagonista
QuiSette, 3 May 2013, p. 28
Benedetti joins research trip to find Monte Cassino links
The Herald, 2 May 2013, p.
Gadda 2013 fa tappa a Montecassino
CiociariaOggi, 1 May 2013, p. 3
- Edinburgh 2012 Scots-Italian links – 26 September 2012
- Italians in Scotland: what have they done for us?
BBC News,
South Scotland – by Giancarlo Rinaldi
- Edinburgh 2012 Scots-Italian links – 21 September 2012
- Scots-Italian link celebrated with scholarship
BBC News, Edinburgh, Fife and East Scotland
- Edinburgh 2012 UOE News Items – 19 September 2012
- Celebrations for Italian literary great
- Edinburgh 2012 – Scholarship in the News
- Classical star keeps Italian studies in tune
The Scotsman, 18 September 2012
Star backs scholarship
The Herald, 18 September 2012
Nicola backs Italian scholarship
Evening Times, 18 September 2012
- Edinburgh 2012 Press release – 15 September 2012
- Gadda è teatro | Scholarship is engagement
Unique scholarly prize spearheading new way for academia to engage with the wider community
- Nicola Benedetti Scholarship in the News – 23 Nov. 2011
- Nicola Benedetti receives Honorary Doctorate from Edinburgh
– press and other media items
- Gadda Giovani 2011 – Milan results
- Il Dettori sbaraglia il “Gadda”. Vince Lorenzo Uccheddu
L’Unione sarda, 22 November 2011, p. 21
Il Gadda al noir di un dettorino.
L’Unione sarda, 22 November 2011, online edition
Vince il Gadda Giovani un allievo del Dettori di Cagliari
L’Unione sarda, 16 November 2011, p. 46
- Gadda Giovani 2011 – Milan Finals, with book launch
- I racconti di Gadda al Franco Parenti. Ne parlano Fabrizio Gifuni e Federica Pedriali.
Il Corriere della Sera, 14 November 2011, p. 11
- Gadda Giovani 2011, Milan Finals
- I giovani nel nome di Gadda
Il Corriere della Sera, Vivi Milano, 9 November 2011, p. 68
- Gadda Giovani 2011, Udine Semifinals
- Premio Gadda, Giovani giallisti crescono
Il Messeggero veneto, 23 September 2011, p. 28
- Edinburgh Gadda Centre in the News
- Interview with Fabrizio Gifuni – with honorable mention
il Venerdì di Repubblica, 16 September 2011, pp. 28-29
- Gadda Giovani 2011, Cassino Semifinals
- Gadda Giovani: appuntamento di grande respiro culturale
Ciociaria Oggi, 13 September 2011, p. 35
- Gadda Giovani 2011 in the News
- Premio Gadda Giovani 2011, Passione per la scrittura
la Repubblica Bari.it Città 2.0, 28 June 2011
- Gadda Giovani 2011 in the News
- Premio Gadda Giovani, Un’opportunità molto importante
Prima Pagina Molise, 17 June 2011
- Gadda Giovani 2011 in the News
- Gadda è scozzese – Il corriere della sera, 19 June 2011
Originale concorso – Il messaggero veneto, 13 June 2011
- Gadda Giovani 2011 in the News
- Ragazzi, tutti a Gaddaland – L’Unione sarda, 31 May 2011
- Nicola Benedetti Scholarship in the News
- Nicola Benedetti becomes patron of Italian scholarship fund at Edinburgh University – press and other media items
- UOE Scholarship Press release 1 March 2011
- Fund hits high note – Nicola Benedetti launches scholarship scheme from the Playfair Library in Edinburgh
- Scholarship Press release 17 February 2011
- Nicola Benedetti adds string to her bow with scholarship scheme in Italian postgraduate studies at Edinburgh.
- Edinburgh Gadda Prize Press release 1 June 2010
- La Dolce Vita comes to Edinburgh
- BBC Radio Scotland, Good Morning Scotland
Tuesday 4 June 2013, 6.30am
- Rediscovering Scots-Italian links with Federica Pedriali ahead of Detecting Italy 2013
- Radio Forth, News at Eight
23 November 2011
- Honorary Award for Nicola – Edinburgh Scholarship Patron receives Honorary Doctorate at the McEwan Hall today.
- Webradio Uniud & Radio Spazio 103 FM
Monday 19 September to Saturday 25 September 2011
- Detecting Italy comes to Udine – Carolina Laperchia interviews Federica Pedriali on the latest Edinburgh initiative.
- BBC Radio Scotland
Monday 28 June 2010, 1.15pm
- The first Blackwell Gadda Workshop gives Clare English the perfect excuse to interview thriller maestro Denise Mina and Bafta-winner Annie Griffin.
- BBC Radio Scotland, Good Morning Scotland
Monday 21 June 2010, 6.00am
- The twelve Scottish Gadda Juniors get interviewed on the nation’s morning news programme.
- RAI 3 Suite
Monday 31 May to Friday 4 June 2010, 7.15pm
- Federica Pedriali live from Edinburgh – the Edinburgh Gadda Prize is making Scotland’s capital even more special this June.
Television and YouTube
- Edinburgh 2012 at the Traverse – 20-22 Sept. 2012
- It has taken Italy by storm and now the Traverse Theatre is hosting the UK premiere of Gadda Goes to War
- Edinburgh 2012, Inaugural Lecture – 20 September 2012
- Gadda Goes to War, On becoming militant in the name of the militance of literature – Appleton Tower, Edinburgh
- Nicola Benedetti Scholarship in the News – 23 Nov. 2011
- BBC One Scotland News at One, BBC One Reporting Scotland, STV News at Six and Scotland Tonight – Nicola Benedetti, Patron of the Nicola Benedetti Scholarship Fund in Italian Studies at Edinburgh, receives Honorary Doctorate
- Gadda Giovani 2011, National Finals – 14 Nov. 2011
- Detecting Italy, Teatro Franco Parenti Milan, with the participation of Maria Eugenia D’Aquino, Fabrizio Gifuni, Anna Nogara and Federica Pedriali
- Gadda Giovani in the news
- Concorso letterario internazionale
TeleMolise, 28 June 2011
- The Edinburgh Gadda Projects on YouTube
- Wiki Gadda, Gadda Week, Siena, 23-24 February 2011
- Detecting Italy – A New Initiative of the Gadda Prize
- Review by Alberto Godioli (pdf file 79KB)
Le Simplegadi (2011) 9, 9: 231-235
- City Effects, City Defects – The Conference and the Prize
- Review by Giuseppe Episcopo
Le Simplegadi (2010) 8, 8: 76-80
Web Articles
- Due selargini conquistano la giuria in Sardegna
- Selargius City Council Website, November 2011
Edinburgh Gadda Channels
- Edinburgh Gadda Projects, Facebook Channel
- Joined Facebook Aug 2012 – 426 likes, 2,887 most popular post since 8 August 2012
- Edinburgh Gadda Projects – YouTube Channel
- With video clips from Edinburgh 2012 & Gadda Giovani 2011
- Gadda Giovani 2011 – Detecting Italy
- Joined Facebook April 2011 – 1,323 likes to November 2011
Joined the Edinburgh Gadda Projects page Aug 2012
Facebook Articles
- Un’esperienza unica di cui essere protagonisti
- Facebook Article 1 December 2011 by Joshua G. Honeycutt
Facebook User Data
- Gadda Giovani 2011: ”Detecting Italy” on Facebook
- 1,323 people like us – 149,964 people visited our Facebook page between April and November 2011
- Gadda Giovani 2011 Podcast
- Interview with Federica Pedriali
- Edinburgh Gadda Prize 2010 Podcast
- Interview with Emilio Manzotti
Official visit
- Lazio Region Delegation
Tuesday 6 September 2011
- Professor Dorothy Miell and her Team welcome On.le Mario Abruzzese and his delegation to the Library’s Treasures to mark Edinburgh Gadda project strengthening links.
- May 2010 Newsletter
- 31 May 2010 – the results get published
- March 2010 Newsletter
- Become a Friend! Make it happen
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