Sixth Edition

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The Edinburgh Gadda Prize

Honorary President: Gianrico Carofiglio

Chair: Federica G. Pedriali

powered by The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies

Edinburgh Gadda Prize – Gaddus Scholars

gadda è teatro | scholarship is engagement - brochure design by astrid jaekel

Edinburgh Gadda Prize Event 1

Scottish Storytelling Centre
43-45 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR
20-22 September 2012, 9.30am-3.30pm

Gaddus Scholars takes summer schools beyond established formats. Participation and involvement are not limited to scholarly events and will continue after Edinburgh 2012. Those taking part – postgraduates, postdoctorals and early career scholars more generally – contribute to the organisation, promotion and running of our initiative in that larger sense of the word which has become the trademark of the Edinburgh Gadda Projects.

Body irregular Great irregulars

Taking their cue from Gadda, participants are invited to examine irregularity in (the body of) literature, film, theatre, critical theory as well as other cultural practices. Explorations are not limited to the 20th century, and may span from Bruno to Gadda and beyond. Gaddus 2012 aims to examine the nature, structures and cultural effects of irregularity through a variety of academic and non-academic approaches. Theme, methodology and practical activities are structured around 3 main areas, Irregular Theories, Practices of Irregularity and Contextualizations.

Scholarly Line-up

Gaddus sessions – workshops, seminars, memos for the present millennium and public debates – are led by prominent figures in the contemporary academic and non-academic world, in close collaboration with selected early career participants.

Gaddus leaders and guest speakers include: Paolo Bartoloni (Galway), Federico Bertoni (Bologna), Corrado Bologna (Rome 3), Giuseppe Bonifacino (Bari), Maria Bortoluzzi (Erasmus Exchange Scholar, Udine), Aurora Conde (Madrid), Raffaele Donnarumma (Pisa), Franco Farinelli (Bologna), Harald Hendrix (Utrecht), Paola Italia (Rome 1), Monica Jansen (Utrecht), Stefano Jossa (RHUL), Arnaldo Liberati (Carlo Emilio Gadda Estate), Emilio Manzotti (Geneva), Davide Messina (Edinburgh), Federica G. Pedriali (Edinburgh), Gino Ruozzi (Bologna) and the 2012 Prize Winners (scholarly categories).

Full Gaddus programme (169KB)
Abstracts (705KB)

Next Events – Montecassino 2013

Gaddus Scholars and Gadda Giovani will come together as part of Montecassino 2013, under the title No-Where-Next | War-Diaspora-Origin.

The event will include a recital by Nicola Benedetti, as part of the Nicola Benedetti Scholarship Fund, and the official presentation of the ISRC Italo-Scottish Research Centre funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

Further Information

Contact Details

To find out more about Gaddus 2012, or to explore a proposal idea for the next edition, please contact the Team.